Lectures and Courses
Enlivening Systems
Stewarding Sustainability Transformations.
An Emerging Theory and Practice of SDG Implementation.

This new Report to the Club of Rome will take you on a journey of theory and practice that, if widely understood, will revolutionize the way we, or humankind as a whole, will approach our future.

Read more Order here
Highlights of past Lectures with Dr. Petra Kuenkel
7th July 2020: Interactive Webinar „Identification of suitable MAP structures” (English language)

Webinars for the promotion of civil society actors to prepare and implement multi-stakeholder partnerships, offered by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL – bengo on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and carried out by the expert for stakeholder dialogues and collaboration processes: Dr. Petra Kuenkel from the Collective Leadership Institute (CLI).

Since 2016, the funding guidelines for the title of private sponsor have made it possible to promote multi-stakeholder partnerships (MAP), which are implemented by civil society actors. The webinars offered here are aimed at civil society actors who are in the planning or implementation phase of a multi-stakeholder partnership (MAP) and who meet the funding requirements at bengo.

This webinar gave participants of the MAP foundation seminars the opportunity to:
– learn together with 1 MAP partner organization
– understand how to create MAP structures that can lead to success
– understand how to enhance commitment for implementation
– exchange of knowledge and experience with the trainers and participants


2nd July 2020: „Vorbereitende Schritte für MAP: das Gelernte im Seminar reflektieren, Frage-Antwort-Runde “ (German language)

Webinars for the promotion of civil society actors to prepare and implement multi-stakeholder partnerships, offered by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL – bengo on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and carried out by the expert for stakeholder dialogues and collaboration processes: Dr. Petra Kuenkel from the Collective Leadership Institute (CLI).

Since 2016, the funding guidelines for the title of private sponsor have made it possible to promote multi-stakeholder partnerships (MAP), which are implemented by civil society actors. The webinars offered here are aimed at civil society actors who are in the planning or implementation phase of a multi-stakeholder partnership (MAP) and who meet the funding requirements at bengo.

Dieses Webinar gab Teilnehmenden der MAP Grundlagenseminare die Möglichkeit:
– das Gelernte zu reflektieren
– die lokalen Bedingungen der Partner vor Ort in Bezug auf deren Kompetenzen und Netzwerkstrukturen bewusst werden, um Projektgestaltung besser einzuschätzen
– den MAP-Ansatz sinnvoll an Ihre Projektpartnern zu vermitteln
– Wissens- und Erfahrungsaustausch mit den TrainerInnen und Teilnehmenden

24th & 26th & 29th June 2020: Online The Art of Leading Collectively Course

On the 24th, 26th, and 29th of June 2020, Dr. Petra Kuenkel conducted the online capacity building course “The Art of Leading Collectively” with 11 engaged participants from  Canada, Germany, Island, Jordan, Liberia, Kenia. The participants had the chance to test the core methodology “The Collective Leadership Compass” in context of their current work projects and supported each other through peer learning exchange based on their experiences, new inspirations and crazy “out-of-the-box” ideas.

18th + 19th June 2020: Net-based advanced seminar / Netzbasiertes Fortgeschrittenenseminar (German language)

Netzbasiertes Fortgeschrittenenseminar für Multi-Akteurs-Partnerschaften (MAP) – angeboten von ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL-Bengo im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und durchgeführt von Dr. Petra Kuenkel vom Collective Leadership Institute (CLI).

Das Seminar richtete sich an zivilgesellschaftliche Akteur*Innen, die bereits Erfahrung in MAP mitbringen. Es vermittelte notwendige Kompetenzen für die Auswertung der bisherigen Prozesse und Ergebnisse sowie für die Gestaltung der Prozesse zur Verstetigung der Partnerschaft.

18th + 20th May 2020: Net-based basic seminar / Netzbasiertes Grundlagenseminar (German language)

Netzbasiertes Grundlagenseminar für Multi-Akteurs-Partnerschaften (MAP) – angeboten von ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL-Bengo im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und durchgeführt von Dr. Petra Kuenkel und Sabine Heckmann vom Collective Leadership Institute (CLI).

Das Seminar richtete sich an Mitarbeiter*innen zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteur*Innen, die noch wenige Erfahrungen in MAP haben. Es vermittelte praxisnah allgemeine Kenntnisse und gibt Orientierungen zu MAP, Prinzipien und Voraussetzungen für die erfolgreiche Initiierung ergebnisorientierter Partnerschaftsprozesse.

28th January 2020 Triple E-lecture at the University of Leiden on "Collective Stewardship for Sustainability Transformations"

On 28th of January from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Dr. Petra Künkel gave a Triple E lecture (Ecology, Energy, Environment) at Leiden University in the venue of Van Steenis, Einsteinweg 2, 2333 CC Leiden.

She spoke about the topic “Collective Stewardship for Sustainability Transformations“.

“The state of the world suggests humankind is at a crossroad—the next 15 to 20 years will have a decisive impact—more than in any period before—on the conditions of life on Earth. While FridaysForFuture and Extinction Rebellion have put the global climate crisis and biodiversity loss high on the agenda of the public discourse, the warnings about the limits to growth of our current economic model, are more than 50 years old. Rising awareness about the urgency of finding new ways of maintaining the global life support system become increasingly important. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are, for the first time, an attempt to look at human progress in a holistic and interconnected way. However, if—as many scientists predict—humanity needs to rise up to its capacity for a stewardship approach to stabilize the trajectories of our planet, it becomes clear that understanding life support systems as an interdependent and interlinked system is paramount for implementing the SDGs. The talk argues that understanding what gives life to systems can become a guiding force for approaching the large systems change needed to advance such approaches. It explores the conceptual foundations for principles that govern socio-ecological systems in support of ‘systems aliveness’. Understanding such principles, and translating them into the design and implementation of stewarding sustainability transformations in SDG implementation (Kuenkel, 2019; Waddock & Kuenkel, 2019).


Dr. Petra Kuenkel at the University of Leiden on the topic "Collective Stewardship for Sustainability Transformations" - CLI in collaboration with Leiden University
10th - 11th December - Workshop „The Art of Leading Collectively“ IRI THESys Program at Humboldt University Berlin

As part of the IRI THESys Program of the Humboldt University Berlin Dr. Petra Kuenkel gave a lecture on “The Art of LEading Collectively” with a follow up workshop conducted by Alina Gruen (Project manager at the Collective Leadership). During the two days the PhD Students and Post-docs learned about developing collaboration competency and dialogic skills for transdisciplinary research partnerships which the researchers are already in or are about to start.

3rd December, 4 pm - 6 pm, Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum - Lecture on „Stewarding Sustainability Transformations“ - Geography Colloquium, Humboldt University Berlin

Within the lecture series Geography Colloquium scholars, both from elsewhere and from the Geography Department of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin are invited to present their research. Dr. Petra Kuenkel spoke about „Stewarding Sustainability Transformations“ on Tuesday, 3rd December, at 4 pm. More information (German) here
Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum (ESZ), Rudower Chaussee 26, 12489 Berlin
Room 0’311

Collective Leadership in Healthcare: Development, Implementation and Evaluation Network.

On the 4th December I visited the University College Dublin to hold a key note speech about the Collective Leadership approach in the National Health System reform for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with the focus on “Collective Leadership in Healthcare: Development, Implementation and Evaluation Network”.

After the keynote speech, during a break out session, I fostered researchers, policy makers, leaders and change agents from various geographic areas across the UK and Ireland, to work toward the common goal of developing collective leadership in healthcare, that will lay the foundation for ongoing measurement and evaluation that will enable the development of an evidence base to support current and future initiatives in this area.

The session provided the opportunity to begin to develop an international network for collective leadership research and practice in healthcare.

This Seminar have been jointly led by the HRB-funded Co-Lead research team in UCD and the NHS Improvement team working on Culture and Leadership in the NHS.

Symposium - Transformative Designs for Sustainability - Facilitating mindshifts for collective action and Anthropocene prosperity.

On the 18th – 20th June 2018 the Symposium “Transformative Designs for Sustainability – Facilitating mindshifts for collective action and Anthropocene prosperity” took place in Hannover , Germany. The Transformation Lab was an interactive and co-creative event with a diverse community of scientists and practitioners that connects the inner journey to transformative collective behavior change with deliberate process designs and transformative structural interventions. The Transformation Lab built on the insight that transformative and systemic change can start at all levels and for all issues. Furthermore, it followed the idea that the human capability to design and steward change is at the core of a responsible Anthropocene. The two main conceptual and methodological approaches the Transformation Lab was based on The Collective Leadership Compass and the roceedings of the project: „A Mindset for the Anthropocene“ (IASS – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies: http://www.iass-potsdam.de/en/researc…). I developed the contept for the tranformation lab togehter with Dr. Thomas Bruhn (a physicist working transdisciplinarily at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)).

Book Dr. Petra Kuenkel as a speaker

The new paradigm we must establish is about creating systems that bring out
the best in us!

Book Dr Petra Kuenkel as a passionate Keynote Speaker for your Event and get inspired by her mind changing and empowering speech.

Request available times from Alina Gruen- Project Manager at Collective Leadership Institute: alina.gruen[at]collectiveleadership.com.

Read more about Petra Kuenkel's mission
Patterns of Aliveness – an Emerging Theory for Stewarding Sustainability Transformation in the Era of the Anthropocene.

On March 20/ 2018 I gave a lecture on Patterns of Aliveness – an Emerging Theory for Stewarding Sustainability Transformation in the Era of the Anthropocene at IASS Potsdam – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.

The introduction of the term Anthropocene has raised awareness that humans are responsible for the planet as a whole. The question remains if an emerging sense of responsibility will grow quickly enough to induce a change in human behavior. Human-made technology has the power to change the entire planetary socio-ecological system in an unprecedented way. Risk and opportunity move closer together: moving beyond the threshold of planetary boundaries might spark spiraling dynamics. Hence, understanding more about the How of accelerating patterns of transformative change for sustainability has therefore been widely identified as a future research challenge which I discussed in my lecture.

The Collective Leadership Approach as Fractal of Large Systems Change in Collaboration.

I gave a lecture on the Collective Leadership Approach as Fractal of Large Systems Change in Collaboration at the 1st Eberswalde Ecosynomics Forum on April 2/2015.

Check Other Courses

For Building Competence in Collective Leadership and Stakeholder Collaboration:

Open Courses:
- The Art of Leading Collectively
- The Art of Stakeholder Collaboration
- The Art of Dialogue

Short Courses:
- Multi Stakeholder Partnerships
- Stakeholder Engagement

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